Building Blocks Of Transformation

Published: 3 May 2023
Author: Peter Bakker
Type: Insight

This week, our annual Liaison Delegate (LD) Meeting takes place in Montreux, 瑞士:汇聚来自世界各地的领先商业正规博彩十大网站排名专家,参与并分享最新的行业发展动态, positioning them as critical change agents in their businesses.

At the LD meeting, in partnership with our members, we are focusing on the critical areas of WBCSD's transformation efforts, creating the building blocks of change, including driving the Energy Transition, achieving Nature Positive Business, advancing Equity Action, implementing a Corporate Accountability System for Carbon, and shaping our Education offering.

Despite the ever more complicated state of the world, 看看七国集团的议程是如何实现的,就能真正感受到正规博彩十大网站排名的进步, G20和COP28围绕推动气候与自然行动达到所需水平的需要达成一致. On the Corporate Accountability System front, the ISSB reporting framework for Climate Disclosures will be launched in the next few months; whilst the TNFD has its final framework for integrating Biodiversity impacts into the governance and disclosures out for consultation.

To illustrate the first point, 看看七国集团气候峰会后发表的札幌七国集团公报的要点, 4月15日至16日举行的能源与环境部长会议值得关注. WBCSD's presence there had a strong impact: 

  • 七国集团支持ISSB为正规博彩十大网站排名报告标准制定全球基线的工作,并支持ISSB在气候和自然领域以外的工作.
  • 发起七国集团自然正经济联盟(G7NPE),帮助动员政府和企业实施自然正经济,向自然正经济转变.
  • 七国集团批准日本环境省的循环经济和资源效率原则(CEREP). To complement and buttress the CEREP principles, WBCSD is advancing the concept of a Global Circularity Protocol. 我们将在七国集团领导人广岛峰会前启动《正规博彩十大网站》工作,欢迎七国集团成员国 进一步感兴趣参与其中.
  • G7 Commitment to building transparency, 监测和报告关键价值链上的塑料污染和使用(减少)情况.
  • 七国集团公报承认了WBCSD为释放第一名人质所做的努力 Avoided Emissions Guidelines. WBCSD很高兴能与METI及其成员公司在这一倡议上合作.
  • More on the G7 outcomes can be read on WBCSD’s LinkedIn or via Nikkei.

On the topic of the Carbon Accountability Framework, we are pleased to announce that the Bezos Earth Fund has awarded USD $9.25 million to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG议定书),由世界资源研究所和WBCSD共同召集. 这种支持将使《正规博彩十大网站排名》得以升级和澄清其现有标准, create new guidance, and provide further technical services to businesses. In parallel, 在PACT倡议中,为范围3会计制定方法和数据交换协议的工作取得了巨大进展. It is now in the real-time test phase in several global supply chains.

The Business Commission to Tackle Inequality (BCTI) has launched its flagship report 在蒙特勒的全体会议上-这是一个项目的重要里程碑, 在过去两年由60名(商业和非商业)专员推动. It marks a new boundary for business leadership. 这是一个整体行动议程的开始,以集体的方式推进公平行动, 应对共同应对不平等加剧的系统性风险的需要. 该报告包含了企业的十个行动领域——从实施《正规博彩十大网站》到实现向净零和对自然有利的经济的公正过渡. Later this year, 我们将把商业促进包容性增长(B4IG)和BCTI纳入全球领先的公平行动平台. We will work to define the corporate social accountability system, the S in ESG, as we are doing for carbon and nature.

The meeting in Montreux has also been used to look forward to COP28, which will be held from 30 November to 12 December in Dubai, UAE. WBCSD一直与阿联酋COP28小组保持密切联系,以帮助制定议程. 当然,我们也意识到有人对在阿联酋举行气候会议持怀疑态度. Still, 我们的互动表明,第28届联合国气候变化大会(COP28)领导人热衷于让气候讨论回到正轨,达成1.5˚ C world and aims to put business at the forefront of climate action. A quick overview of the significant elements in development:

1. On 28 and 29 November, the days before the official start of COP28, we will host the WBCSD Council Meeting (CM) in Dubai, leveraging the many high-level speakers available. I kindly ask you all to reserve these dates in your calendar, 因为让您和其他首席执行官参加这次会议是至关重要的.

2. 我们与COP28小组的合作侧重于四个关键的行动轨道:

   a)  A big push for decarbonization action in the Oil & 通过全球脱碳联盟(GDA),天然气和难以减排的行业.

   b)积极参与企业碳责任体系(Corporate Carbon Accountability System)的跟踪,致力于设计一个框架,使许多企业更容易采用.

   c)世界粮食与发展计划署将共同主持第二十八届缔约方会议粮食轨道的私营部门支柱, together with The Climate Champions and BCG. 我们正在帮助制定一项雄心勃勃、重点突出的可再生农业议程,该议程将很快由COP28小组宣布.

   (d)由世界正规博彩十大网站排名委员会领导的自然积极商业议程得到了第二十八届缔约方会议主席的大力支持, and the preparer forum work we are leading for SBTN & TNFD作为《正规博彩十大网站排名》指南的一部分,将成为COP28的优先事项. 我们正在开展工作,扩大对基于自然的正规博彩十大网站排名的投资,以帮助实现1.5和《正规博彩十大网站排名》也将纳入COP28的优先事项.

As you can see, much ground to cover in Montreux (and beyond), 用新知识和参与机会激励正规博彩十大网站排名团队. 

To reflect how all of this contributes to system transformation, the theme of the meeting is “building blocks of transformation”, 源自于WBCSD对其成员公司的最新价值主张,因为我们努力为商业领袖提供转型的基石, to raise the ambition to achieve a better world, deliver action at speed and scale in operations and value chains, and sharpen the accountability of performance.

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